All aboard. The big time sissyass train is now leaving the station. The FDA now becomes the latest player to claim that strong beer and caffeine drinks like Four Loco should be banned, and apparently are giving the companies just 15 days to substantially weaken their drinks. Maybe those shirt and tie types at the FDA better stick to mama's milk instead.
You'd think that mixing caffeine and strong drink is something new according to the latest FDA hysteria nonsense and some other totally whacked nannystaters. However, drinks like Irish coffee and Rum and Coke are nearly as old as Fred Flintstone himself. But, this sure didn't stop the do-gooders in government to create some crackpot new hysteria after some young underage kids were drinking at a Washington state college and some small 18 year old 90lb. Freshman girls got too drunk and just couldn't handle the Four Loco drinks. Hey kids, Four Loco is a real he-man drink, and not intended for children unable to handle it. And it's supposed to be illegal for children to drink, BTW.
You'd think that mixing caffeine and strong drink is something new according to the latest FDA hysteria nonsense and some other totally whacked nannystaters. However, drinks like Irish coffee and Rum and Coke are nearly as old as Fred Flintstone himself. But, this sure didn't stop the do-gooders in government to create some crackpot new hysteria after some young underage kids were drinking at a Washington state college and some small 18 year old 90lb. Freshman girls got too drunk and just couldn't handle the Four Loco drinks. Hey kids, Four Loco is a real he-man drink, and not intended for children unable to handle it. And it's supposed to be illegal for children to drink, BTW.
Normally, government should have a role when it comes to banning defective baby cribs that kill infants because they are dangerous and broken. But, the FDA just went way to far to pressure a legal business that makes a legal product intended solely for legal adult use to weaken it because it's too strong for underage users who illegally use the product. Four Loco was never intended or marketed for children. Kids had no business using or abusing it. They themselves broke the law. But, now the manufacturer of Four Loco is wrongly being held responsible for the little lawbreaking tykes. There's just no justice.
Four Loco intends to withdraw the existing product from the market and issue the new weakened product without caffeine in the next few days. But, it's a huge financial loss to the company. You have to figure that some enterprising entrepreneurs found some new tack in business and created a new market to exploit. But, some folks are afraid of something new and different. And now the FDA seems to be driving the engine of that big time sissyass train. Choo choo!
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