Fresh from his recent highly successful appearance at the 70th annual Sturgis Motorcycle Rally event, Pee Wee Herman(Paul Reubens) has witnessed something of a big career comeback and finds himself in photos in many current issues of motorcycle magazines. This is surprising because many big name entertainers also were at the event as well, where nearly every day featured major name recording or entertainment acts.
The big career comeback for comic actor Paul Reubens is something of a surprise considering some of the serious legal problems that he has faced over the years that seriously hurt his career. In a recent PLAYBOY interview, Reubens offered up a unique defense to his 1991 arrest for public lewdness in an adult movie theater. Reubens also faced more serious legal problems in 2002 when the arrest of actor Jeffery Jones on charges related to the sexual use of a 14 year old boy, spilled over and led to serious legal problems for Reubens as well. Reuben's Los Angeles lawyer, Blair Birk, was able to get some serious charges substantially downgraded where Reubens was not allowed in the company of minors and was required to file his home address with the sheriff's office for three years. Jeffrey Jones' legal problems were much worse. Earlier this year, Jones was charged with failure to update his lifetime sex offender registration, and received a community service sentence along with three years of probation for that offense. It is something of a miracle that simmering stinking legal messes like this haven't completely destroyed Reubens' career. But, this looks like the year of the comeback for the comic, where hopefully all of the crazy legal issues of the past are now well behind him. And he was a surprise hit at the Sturgis rally where he was one of the most talked about acts.
It's certainly unusual to see such a huge career comeback for an entertainer with this much legal baggage. And it's equally surprising too folks in the motorcycle community so accepting of Reubens as well. But, at the same time there's a wholesomeness to the Pee wee Herman character, and not matter how tough some folks might be, they can still find a warm spot in their hearts for this entertainer and the child-like ways of Pee Wee Herman. Pee Wee Herman has his own life and identity, and it seems that no matter what mistakes that Paul Reubens might make in his own life, Pee Wee Herman remains eternally cool to everyone.
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