Minggu, 11 Juli 2010

Totally Undignified Film Debuts: David Hasselhoff In REVENGE OF THE CHEERLEADERS

David Hasselhoff made a totally undignified film debut in 1976 back in the simply dreadful REVENGE OF THE CHEERLEADERS. This was a horrid sequel to the highly successful soft-core porn comedy, THE CHEERLEADERS. While the film did feature some fleeting moments of full female frontal nudity, it lacked the simulated sex scenes of the first film. But lengthy segments of awful dance sequences were peppered throughout the second film. Hasselhoff unfortunately danced in this film as well. And the result was indeed truly frightening.

Three films were made in THE CHEERLEADERS series, with THE SWINGING CHEERLEADERS, the third and final film. All three were examples of exploitation genre films, and each did relatively well considering the absurdly low budgets they were made on.

One of the highlights of REVENGE OF THE CHEERLEADERS was some brief appearance from comic magician, Carl Ballantine. Ballantine was once one of the goofy cast members of McHALE'S NAVY, and was one of the best comic moments of this film as the worst principal ever who sets fire to his office by accident during cooking.

Despite the sheer awfulness of this film, David Hasselhoff did manage to have a career left. That alone is a real achievement considering this real turkey.

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